The Sourdough Sister's Ultimate Travel Guide


A guide to storing your starter, hitting the road, and finding the best sourdough goods wherever you go.

This guide has my foolproof simple sourdough recipe, steps to store your starter when you won't use it for a while, effective tips for finding the best sourdough stops during your travels, questions to ask the makers and bakers, an extensive list of our favorite stops, and more.

I hope you enjoy this guide, created with love from my own lived travel experiences. I've found that seeking out and enjoying the best local sourdough spots throughout our travels has made for more memorable experiences, special local connections, and a better understanding and appreciation for the places we've passed through (and in many cases, returned too). Often, it's the sourdough croissants that bring us in and the people we meet (and let's be honest, the sourdough croissants too) that bring us back time and time again. Wherever your adventures and sourdough pursuits may take you, happy travels and happy eating!

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